A: Kitty left the pretty colours to talk to us
A: good morning
M: *giggles* haven’t played with colors in 18 hours A
A: ohhh withdrawal ...you feeling mean and nasty
M: wonderful and yourself NJ?
NJ: doing just great thank you M
M: *giggles harder* nope
C: hi everyone
M: was waiting on an email with more spiral fractal files....
A: smiles you never are...you’re a sweetheart
M: now I have them
C: so who knows how to do hypnosis?
M: this evening I will be deep into colors but not quite yet
A: have fun....and don’t stare too intently at the spirals
C: will someone teach me how to hypnotise people
M: *giggles* ok I will try not to fall into the colors
C: why not?
C: can it really be done?
M: yes
NJ: yes it can
A: it can
C: have you all had it done or have you done it
P: <--has it done lots
NJ: had it done to me
C: what is it like?
M: one word
A: guess that long queue is the waiting to have it done queue
M: yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy
P: nods but with more mmmm’s even
C: lol
NJ: lol
C: I had seen people at my college have it done to them but
I think it was an act
P: I wouldn’t want to have people watch me go
C: may I ask why?
P: I don’t know it would be spooky
M: its personal
C: ok I respect that M
P: its very personal
C: how long does it take for people to go under?
P: depends
C: they say people are different
C: so where would someone go to be hypnotized?
M: a local hypnotherapist
M: after you do some research
C: but I can't find anything listed in the yellow pages here
just to look into
B: C... what are you looking for in hypnosis
C: I don't really know to be honest just curious about it
B: sometimes it takes time to get to know people here C
B: I sometimes do room trances because so many want to try it...
B: and there are few that do it...
M: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm veryyyyyyyyy yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy
P: why are you yummy??
C: not being rude not looking for someone in here, I just
thought people may be able to answers I have that’s all
M: I learned what fractionation is and then did it to
someone and had it done to me
M: so it’s been yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy
P: and what’s it?
S: what is it?
B: what is that kit
M: fractionation is the technical term for what I call the
yo-yo effect
S: <--listens
A: bouncing ??
B: please explain M
S: up and down
I: up and down
I: up and down deeper
B: certified hypnotherapist
P: yes, M, explain please
M: getting dropped and woken up over and over again each
time going deeper
S: spinning round and round
B: I guess not a professional term
S: sounds delightful
S: very attractive
NJ: I heard the term for that and I forget it now
HF: nod its a great technique
A: you mean mmm then mmmmmm then mmmmmmmmmmmm
M: it was a hypnotherapist that taught me the technique
P: I think I. is a professional in using the yoyo technique, hehehe
B: really
M: yes
B: I may have to look into that
M: I was never good with yo-yo's but...
B: my tist has done that but never called it that
M: in this instance I am very good at it
P: because it’s easy to stare at the turning yo-yo, isn’t it?
HF: especially when it catches by surprise...hehehe
W: Practice makes perfect M
I: fractionalization B
A: jumps into M’s box...now explain that to me in more detail
B: I have done that also to subjects
M: giggles ok A
C: and so you are telling me a tist uses a yo-yo?
B: in and out of trance
M: no the subject becomes the yo-yo
P: oh
M: *weg* now do you get it P?
P: yes, M
M: try having it done over the course of 3 hours
P: hahahaha...
P: wake on 2 and sleep on 3
C: but wouldn't the subject be more awakened to the sense of
falling instead of going into a trance?
P: 1
P: 2
P: 3
NJ: wow that would bring a person really under M
M: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oh yes
A: cancels appointments for tomorrow
HF: three hours? yups that’s a long time
S: how long did it take to learn, M?
M: ummmmmmmm...15 mins
C: how do you know if you are in a trance or can't you tell
S: wow...that's quick..
M: it used to be my voice
M: it changes
S: mmm....voice....
S: what about text..?
A: you use triggers from the first trance to bring them down the second time
B: instants are fun
S: can You do it via text?
M: rapids are a blast
M: yes
A: smiles...up for air ...now down again
M: yep
M: the rapid is like a roller coaster plummeting down
S: so exciting for the subject
M: the yo-yo effect is 10 times that because of the waking up part
C: is there anywhere on the net where I can study and do my
own research on hypnosis
M: yes
B: Kevin Hogan has an awesome book.
B: the new hypnotherapy book
B: easy to understand
C: well where you point someone who knows nothing about it at first?
I: yeah each time you are brought up, you plummet even deeper
right after that, is very fun, actually for subject and tist both
S: the whole is greater than the sum of the parts
S: that's amazing I
A: always ensure the subject has not eaten in the last hour before you start
A: people often forget the practicalities when talking theory
S: like multiple orgasms
C: can you hypnotise your self?
B: basically all hypnosis is self hypnosis
C: please explain
A: oh my god ...the whole room is talking hypnosis...well done K
B: the subject opens himself to someone taking him there
M: ty A
S: yes, but You need a good leader, B!
NJ: yes wonderful work M
W: Yes Ty M and this is so interesting
S: Very interesting
C: yes it is
S: educational
C: and I want to thank all of you
C: ok please go on
A: when you are being bounced in and out...you lose the sense of what is what?
M: you know you are deep when you don’t remember your name
P: hehehe
NJ: now that is deep M
M: uh huh
S: yes...
P: M, what’s your name?
C: well what if you are a strong leader?
M: and very yummmmmy
W: lol P
M: M right now P
B: if you have the desire to be tranced then you most likely will go into trance for someone
P: good M...
M: especially if you trust the person
P: you remember it
B: it helps if you are a bit intelligent and not drinking or taking any drugs..
C: ok but how do you free your mind?
NJ: yes that is very true M
A: smiles very time she brings you back up it’s a different name
A: it adds to the confusion
M: lmfao A you are soooooooooo bad
S: Trust is the KEY
P: especially if you wear your t-shirt the other way round if you are awake, hehehe
M: lol
C: can only certain methods work on different people or do they all work?
A: be careful J...M is talking about some hmmm effective techniques to well enjoy the full benefits of hypnosis
S: Have you done this new technique often, M?
M: smiles since I learned what it actually was?
SJ: what techniques
M: or before that?
A: her pm's are going off lol
SJ: smiles…always willing to learn something new regarding hypnosis
S: since You learned!
P: yes, you’re right I think
S: I haven't learned anything new in a while. so this is very exciting
A: bouncing up and down... nothings happening...thought this bouncing works
S: have You done this in here, M?
S: away from keyboard
M: not in here S
S: in pm?
S: could You do it in the room??
S: that could be exciting....You might end up with the whole room on the roller coaster
P: oh mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
A: tut tut...M is leading so many astray...be strong S
P: dark one
P: mmmmm
M: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
S: <----loves voice and PM
S: I’m strong....but I don't think M is leading me astray
SJ: lol M
P: yessssss
M: hypnosis and now chocolate
P: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
S: 2 of my favorite things!
M: A I think you would be compelled to share
S: what else would we need to stock up on?
A: smiles...now when you say compelled it has different connotations than coming from most
S: we couldn't live on just chocolate...could we?
M: *smiles innocently* it does A?
A: always suspicious of innocent smiles
S: smiles @ M
L: when she says "compelled", she simply means that you would find the ability to resist rapidly fading away the harder you tried to remember how to resist...
SJ: *smiles innocently at A*
M: see L knows
S: why would you WANT to resist?
L: knows what??? What are we talking about? I can't seem to remember....
M: smiles
M: L I bet you are thinking about a very soft voice deep inside you mind
L: <~~~ sometimes I feel like a nut...sometimes I don't
M: describing a yummy pair of boots
L: yes
S: boots?
M: black
M: shiny
M: latex
M: ones
M: 7" platform heels
S: oh dear
M: glossy
M: smooth
M: Mmmmmmmm
SJ: lmao M
TW: those would make you look taller
M: aren’t they L?
S: yes
S: shiny
L: y
S: pretty boots
M: mmmmmmmmmm yes
S: they are pretty, right?
L: yessssssssssss
M: how deep
M: so easy to respond to me
L: deeeep
M: as you hear my voice in your head
L: y
M: are you at work?
L: n
M: k
M: do you want to drift?
L: yyyy
L: innto your boots
M: smiles very good
M: you can’t take your eyes off of them can you?
L: n
L: shiny
M: so easy to drift deeper for me
L: y
M: on 3 I want you wide awake
M: 1
M: 2
M: 3
M: wide awake
L: didn't want to wake up
M: drop now
M: so very deep
M: falling into my boots
M: so shiny
M: deeper
M: sliding down
L: yy
M: deeper than before
M: yes?
L: y
M: awaken on 3
M: 1
M: 2
M: 3
M: wide awake
L: omg why did you wake me again?
M: falling back
M: into the boots
M: now
M: deeper then
M: before
M: spiraling deeper yes?
M: deeper than before
M: feeling very
M: good
M: safe
M: and protected
M: knowing you can give yourself permission to slip
M: deeper yes?
M: you want that correct?
L: y
M: I am going to suggest that you will slip deeper each time...
M: is that ok?
L: y
M: that’s wonderful
M: wide awake on 2
M: 1
M: 2
M: wake
L: wow
M: yes?
L: feels good
M: fall into the glossy boots now
L: ggggggg
M: smiles
M: slip 10 times deeper for me
M: I am going to suggest when I say go there now
you will come back here
M: instantly is that ok with you?
L: y
M: that’s lovely
M: wide awake now
L: omg
M: yes?
L: such pretty boots inside my mind
M: smiles
L: don’t want to stop watching them
M: I know
M: go there now
M: are you there now?
M: so easy to respond
L: shiny
M: to me
L: there
M: deeper now
M: smiles
M: wide awake
L: omg
M: smiles
L: can’t stop seeing them
L: shiny and black
M: go there now
L: gggggggggggg
M: wide awake now
L: mmmmmm
M: L?
M: smiles
L: yess
M: you like it?
L: yyyyyyyyy
L: still can't get the image of your shiny black boots out of my mind...you were conditioning me, weren't you?
M: nope
L: drat
L: I was hoping you were
M: giggles
M: go there now
M: how do you feel?
L: sleepy
M: wide awake
L: omg
L: you WERE conditioning me
M: nope
L: I felt it when I read that phrase
M: it’s the yo-yo effect
L: yes I know
L: I couldn't resist
M: I gave you 2 suggestions
M: to go there
M: and go deeper
L: dper
M: smiles
M: wide awake
L: omgggggggg
M: smiles
M: go there now
L: dkks
M: deeper
M: wide awake
L: wow Kitten
L: that's amazing
M: you like?
L: I wish it was with your voice instead
L: yessssss
L: maybe we can do that by phone soon
L: I can't stop seeing the shiny black patent
L: it keeps flashing
M: smiles
M: go there now
L: isdwmmm
M: shiny
M: L
M: boots
M: wide awake
M: go there now
M: how deep?
L: 500
M: very good
M: deeper
M: so safe
M: wonderful
M: yummy
L: 1000
L: 1500
M: wide awake
L: omg I’m going to get whiplash
L: I have to go sweetie, let's continue this later
L: omg I could do that all day
M: giggles
Any woman can control a body with toys and commands, it takes a Mistress to first dominate his mind with Her wisdom and love...only then will his body tremble for Her.
Friday, November 19, 2004
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Thursday, November 4, 2004
Meredith Brooks...Yummmmmmmmmmmmy!!!

by Meredith Brooks
I hate the world today.
You're so good to me,
I know but I can't change.
Tried to tell you,
But you look at me like maybe
I'm an angel underneath,
Innocent and sweet
Yesterday I cried.
You must have been relieved
To see the softer side,
I can understand how you'd be so confused,
I don't envy you.
I'm a little bit of everything
all rolled into one
I'm a bitch,
I'm a lover,
I'm a child,
I'm a mother,
I'm a sinner,
I'm a saint,
and I do not feel ashamed.
I'm your hell,
I'm your dream,
I'm nothing in between.
You know you wouldn't want it any other way.
So take me as I am,
This may mean you'll have to be a stronger man.
Rest assured that when I start to make you nervous,
And I'm going to extremes:
Tomorrow I will change,
And today won't mean a thing
I'm a bitch,
I'm a lover,
I'm a child,
I'm a mother,
I'm a sinner,
I'm a saint,
and I do not feel ashamed.
I'm your hell,
I'm your dream,
I'm nothing in between.
You know you wouldn't want it any other way.
Just when you think you've got me figured out,
The season's already changin'.
I think it's cool you do what you do
And don't try to save me.
I'm a bitch,
I'm a lover,
I'm a child,
I'm a mother,
I'm a sinner,
I'm a saint,
and I do not feel ashamed.
I'm your hell,
I'm your dream,
I'm nothing in between.
You know you wouldn't want it any other way.
I'm a bitch,
I'm a tease,
I'm a goddess on my knees.
When you hurt,
When you suffer,
I'm your angel undercover.
I've been numb,
I'm revived,
Can't say I'm not alive,
You know I wouldn't want it any other way.
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