stand together and both together fall."
"Friendships are fragile things, and
require as much handling as any other
fragile and precious things."
-Randolph S. Bourne
"With clothes the new are the best,
with friends the old are the best."
"If you are going to gain anything in life,
gain a friend, they will always be there, and
that makes all the difference in the world."
"True friends are never apart, maybe
in distance, but not in heart"
"Shared sorrow is half sorrow,
shared joy is double joy"
"Most people come into our lives and quickly leave.
It is the special few that come in and leave a foot-
print in our hearts. and we are forever changed."

"There is an exquisite melody in every heart.
If we listen closely, we can hear each other's
song. A friend knows the song in your heart
and responds with beautiful harmony."
"Friends are like flowers, beautiful flowers;
friends are like flowers in the garden of life."
"True friendship is sitting together in silence & feeling
like it was the best conversation you've ever had."
"If we were leaving in a world where to say I
love you would make more sense, I would always
say you I love you"
"Choose your friends carefully you never know who is
on your side, and remember the truth shall prevail. "
"False friends aren't always that bad because
it shows you about yourself and teaches you to
be strong and life goes on."
-Josh Wojo
"Remember that every good friend
was once a stranger"
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