"As I reach a time of complete uncertainty,
friends are my most precious asset."
"There is no distance too great between friends, f
or love gives wings to the heart."
"Where there is love there is life."
"A friend will strengthen you with her prayers, bless
you with her love, and encourage you with her hope."
"I'd like to be the sort of friend that you
have been to me...I'd like to be the help
you've always been glad to be; I'd like to
mean as much to you each minute of the day,
as you have meant, old friend of mine, to
me along the way."
"A friend is like a rainbow. They brighten
your life when you've been through a storm."
"A friend in kindergarten is the one who sat next
to you and let you have the pretty red crayon,
when only the ugly black one was left."
"True friendship is one that lasts even though
one friend's sole has left this earth"

"A best friend is a sister that destiny forgot to give you."
"One loyal friend is better than ten thousand family members."
"You just reminded me of what's really important
in life, friends, best friends."
"Times of need are not enough to prove your friendship."
"If you're trusted and people will allow you to
share their inner garden...what better gift?"
- Fred Rogers
"A friend is someone who reaches for
your hand, but touches your heart."
- Kathleen Grove
"Friends are like Peanut Butter...it sticks to
the roof of your mouth like a friend sticks to
you...and it feels as if they never go away.!"
"True friendship, unlike love, always lasts forever."
"To the world you are someone, but
to someone you are the world."
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