Happy Valentines Day!
I hope everyone had a wonderful day and if you didn't I hope you at least enjoy reading the poetry and looking at the photographs. All of it is delicious.

Fantasy Fulfilled
When I take you firmly and caress you
Driving you wild with ecstasy
Holding you in a strength unsurpassed
Kissing you until you willingly submit to my every move
Then releasing you gently to reveal your passion
Your begging response, your sexual hunger
Then again holding you strongly, taking you
Penetrating, in a complex orchestration of eroticism
Giving, receiving, gently, firmly, lovingly
Holding you in an embrace of warmth, passion and love
Driving you into an abyss of sensuality
Pulling you back to tease you with affection
Then again and again, ecstasy
Searching the erogenous zones of your mind
Making your body ache with desire, craving more and more
In a voyage of ecstasy, sexual passions unleashed, I seduce you
You are my slave in this journey to the pinnacles of sexuality
We do not want it to end, such is the moment and the longing
And here we are now, embracing making love, endless love
A lifetime of searching, discovery, a fantasy fulfilled
Forever our lives are changed
Michael David Coffey

Restless Passion
Guitars and cymbals
Drumbeats of the passionate heart
Desire is my consuming thirst
To kiss you in the twirl of a flight
Of a dancing play in the sultry ballroom
Among the fading stars
And the breathless night's greeting
In the dancing of the moon
Passionate voices of an echoing lament
That lovers sing
As they twirl, swirl and caress the night
You are always in my mind
You are the meaning to my restless passion
Michael David Coffey

Longing Passion
the soft warm sand
The ocean before me,
in blue vastness
The chorus of a wind song
in my ears
Soft caresses on my body
from your hands
Fragrant oil, and
gentle touches
Skin glistening in the
heat of that sun
As our eyes meet
and consume each other
In the passion of that
A first meeting after
being apart
Such longing in the air
In our minds, on fire,
with passion
The oceans, the sand,
the sky
It all merges into our
In one symphony of
Only us, our love
and the earth
A lover's longing
in passion
Michael David Coffey

Pulling me in to its center
Enticing me with its poignancy
Its devilish charm
Your impish smile,
just a twist of devilry
Defeating my resolve
and I surrender
I am at your mercy
completely vulnerable
I cannot defend myself
from such seduction
Take me, take me
And I will take you
And we will dance
the dance of total
Here among the silvery
lights of a fading day
Caressing and kissing
our way into ecstasy
Our minds taken out
our bodies freed from
As we swirl, and tangle
in the seduction of
our loving
Michael David Coffey

Passionate Play
at life's decision
To give me love in
the prime of my life
Repressed, depressed
so long
Taken up with survival,
Now emerging, different
Throwing off the
Shackles of illusion
Finding love in simple
Playing, loving
The sound of gulls
The roll of the ocean drum
Playing the tune of
intimate association
With life in reality
No dream
but creativity
Playing life in contact
with the spirit
of reality
In touch, intimate
in Passionate Play
Michael David Coffey

Dark Passion
And reaching out
You were in my embrace
And I stroked you softly
Ever so caringly
And you moved, moaned
In sweet anticipation
As we came together
Loving, touching, kissing
Caressing each other
Dreaming in harmony
Aroused in
Dark Passion
Michael David Coffey

Lingering Passion
It was a moment in a breath
of fresh feeling, renewed
In the dream of a gasp
Waking from the drudgery
of living in dull repetition
Waiting for a revelation, a burst
of excitement
A dream lover and a silken bed
In the passion of a sun drenched
Nakedly enraptured in love
with love's arousal
And lips exploring our landscapes
A dreamland of loving
Endless discovery in the exploration
of our connection, hot and warmly
wet, in the giving, receiving
Such a dream, a fantasy, in the heat
of the sun, and us in ecstasy
Worshiping life's electricity
The vibrancy of soft skin touching
Sensing the beginning, and no end it seemed
Again and again and again
The samba soothing of sensual
discovery, wild and ecstatic
Again, more and more, crescendo
In the sun drenched afternoon of
our loving endlessly
And in our minds it never ending
Rather, it lingering
Ever present, driving us crazy
In needing you, me, here, lingering
longingly, in the sun's magic
Endlessly, in communion
with the gods of love
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