I want to penetrate your mind from behind
Slowly, deeply, rhythmically
To enter your deepest thoughts
To explore the contours of your soul
Driving you into ecstatic reaction
Wildly emotional, both of us
We consume each other
Tenderly retreating, only to renew our spiritual communion
Again and again, rhythmically,
Deeply, souls in connection
We transcend reality into an extra planetary world
Of stars and far-distant galaxies
Across the milky way
Beautiful, triumphant, serene
Suddenly, an explosion of silver and gold
A starburst of eroticism
We are fulfilled
Michael David Coffey

Enveloped in our heavenly world of starlight glow
Sheltered, warm in our heavenly nest of passion
Embracing deep love through the long still night
Our kisses prolonging the unhurried rapture
Greeting the dawn's coming and still we kiss
Our attention, undivided, blissful kisses
Delicately given, with sensual sensitivity
Firm hands clasping each other in unison
Love's longing, life's meaning, dreamy thoughts
And oh the kisses, divinely sweet, paradise
Kisses, gentle kisses, blissful kisses, kisses
Michael David Coffey

Love of Souls
concentric thoughts
Swirling visions of
In a world beyond
material concerns
In deep reflection
of being, complete
Intensely driven to
determine deeply
The soul connection
to self loving
In sensual sensitivity
of focused eroticism
In mind ecstasy of
soul togetherness
Love of souls, connected
in the whirlpools
of coexistence
Michael David Coffey

And I Kissed You...
darkness of a daydream
Among the thick mists of
a foggy night's greeting
Not once, not twice, but
I kissed you in passion of
a meeting
A destiny across a
thousand dreams
Across eternity and back
And I kissed you in
the cold night air
Our dreams consumed in
the grip of destiny
Lovers engulfed in
mindless pursuit of love
I kissed you for hours
in the coldness of night
Uncaring, needing and
loving you
A love beyond imagination
Of countless choruses of
In a black misty night
And I kissed you as
never before
Meeting again this way
I kissed you with a
passion that grew
from a myriad memories
Of endless dreams of loving
And I kissed you . . .
Michael David Coffey

Our Passionate Minds
Of moments in a mind's day
Beyond the visual, in thought's play
Of layers of memories
Real, imagined, dreamed
In interplay
Scenes, sounds, smells
Interwoven and separated
And from all this
a passionate play
Of lovers deeds and places
of virtual paradise
Impossible colors, improbable designs
Architectural conglomerates
of wild invention
Places of paradise and
sensuous fruitfulness
In boundless play
such places we visit
To feast on the visions
of such profound complexity
In interwoven imagery
where our delights are met
Improbable journeys to
realities of our deepest thoughts
Our passionate minds
Michael David Coffey

Candle Flames
Candle flames dancing
in a melody of love
Sweet memories of long ago
And love among the
flickering shadows
Of a winter's evening
Music drifting through
the corridors
Into our lives, among
the passionate
embraces of a furtive
A love, clandestine
and evocative
A meeting of lost souls
in the shadows
Silent looks piercing
the dark
And dazzling diamonds
glittering in your
beautiful gaze
Succumbing to this love
we drank of the nectar
of illicit kisses
And loved frantically
Candle flames serenading
our togetherness
Michael David Coffey

Total Ecstasy
In the dancing rituals of a storm
Blowing the tall palms in unison
To the rhythm of a passion
Never fulfilled but always
Demanding and caressing
Lips and soft touches tormenting
Our bodies in enthralled union
Rolling, turning, slowly
Deeply diving in the ocean's blue
Warm wet bodies falling, rising
Ever searching, finding, discovering
Total ecstasy in a night of slow
Deep, intense, relaxed, frenzied, tranquil
Loving gasps of endless pleasure
Michael David Coffey

Sensuality the exploration of our senses
There is no real reality
For life is what we want it to be
Each thought, in reaching out
Searches to find the meaning
Of being in the core of creativity
And heaven is in the intimacy of our souls
As we collide and our thoughts implode
The blood of life mingles in a union
Of body and soul
And we find ourselves in improbability
Loving creatively
So it can be, it can happen
That two souls in the ethereal infinity
Can steer a course to collide
And in the collision
Love of a kind inexplicable is born
You see love at its most intense
Requires the improbable to be made
Possible and in that cradle of desire
Comes the most erotic, most spiritual burning
Desire born of our most powerful dreams
Our most primeval roots
Once nurtured has a path of its own fulfillment
And when two souls unleash such demons of desiring
There is unimaginable ecstasy
Floating out beyond the horizons of earthly pleasures
The creative energy of the two of us in thrustful
Exploration takes us to the palace of pearls
Of emeralds and sapphires, a goblet filled
With honey and ambrosia, in the silky clouds
Of unbridled euphoria
There is where I wish to go with you
And when we meet it will be as if we never left
Two passions unleashed in volcanic explosions
Our minds as one in everlasting, endless
Pursuit of spiritual pleasure
Our bodies intertwined in embryonic pulsation
Spinning in an extraterrestrial storm of
Fantasy and fulfillment
Michael David Coffey

If This Is Love, Then...
I love you more
Such, in a dream
would be paradise
And finding it here —
in our magic dance
Is beyond ecstasy
beyond fantasy
It is love in a
Splashing in the golden
And droplets cascading
a myriad colors
In a rainbow of desire
If this is love, then
I love you endlessly
Through the misty
curtains of a
symphony of life
In dreams come true —
in passion, and
In pursuing meaning
in a blade of grass
A grain of sand
It is this infinite love
of earth and sky
This is our love
If this is love, then
I will consume you
And give myself up
to the loving of
this existence
I will dive deep into
your soul and drown
in your heart's
For this love, this our love
has no boundaries
It is our mindful existence
forged in steel
thrust to life's edge
In infinite waves of passion
Michael David Coffey

Reason And Passion
speak to us of Reason and Passion.
And he answered, saying:
Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which
your reason and your judgment wage war against
your passion and your appetite.
Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul,
that I might turn the discord and the rivalry of your
elements into oneness and melody.
But how shall I, unless you yourselves be also the
peacemakers, nay, the lovers of all your elements?
Your reason and your passion are the rudder and
The sails of your seafaring soul.
If either your sails or your rudder be broken, you
can but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill
in mid-seas.
For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and
passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own
Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the
height of passion, that it may sing;
And let it direct your passion with reason, that your
passion may live through its own daily resurrection,
and like the phoenix rise above its own ashes.
Kahlil Gibran, from "The Prophet", 1923

Sonnet XLIII, From The Portuguese
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,
I love thee with the breadth,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!
And, if God choose,
I shall love thee better after death.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
NOW must I these three praise --
Three women that have wrought
What joy is in my days:
One because no thought,
Nor those unpassing cares,
No, not in these fifteen
Many-times-troubled years,
Could ever come between
Mind and delighted mind;
And one because her hand
Had strength that could unbind
What none can understand,
What none can have and thrive,
Youth's dreamy load, till she
So changed me that I live
Labouring in ecstasy.
And what of her that took
All till my youth was gone
With scarce a pitying look?
How could I praise that one?
When day begins to break
I count my good and bad,
Being wakeful for her sake,
Remembering what she had,
What eagle look still shows,
While up from my heart's root
So great a sweetness flows
I shake from head to foot.
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