Tuesday, March 7, 2006



Reality is a dream in delusions
Sensuality the exploration of our senses
There is no real reality
For life is what we want it to be

Each thought, in reaching out
Searches to find the meaning
Of being in the core of creativity
And heaven is in the intimacy of our souls

As we collide and our thoughts implode
The blood of life mingles in a union
Of body and soul
And we find ourselves in improbability
Loving creatively

So it can be, it can happen
That two souls in the ethereal infinity
Can steer a course to collide
And in the collision
Love of a kind inexplicable is born

You see love at its most intense
Requires the improbable to be made
Possible and in that cradle of desire
Comes the most erotic, most spiritual burning

Desire born of our most powerful dreams
Our most primeval roots
Once nurtured has a path of its own fulfillment
And when two souls unleash such demons of desiring
There is unimaginable ecstasy

Floating out beyond the horizons of earthly pleasures
The creative energy of the two of us in thrustful
Exploration takes us to the palace of pearls
Of emeralds and sapphires, a goblet filled
With honey and ambrosia, in the silky clouds
Of unbridled euphoria

There is where I wish to go with you
And when we meet it will be as if we never left
Two passions unleashed in volcanic explosions
Our minds as one in everlasting, endless
Pursuit of spiritual pleasure
Our bodies intertwined in embryonic pulsation
Spinning in an extraterrestrial storm of
Fantasy and fulfillment

Michael David Coffey

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